Nutribird G14 Original 1kg is a balanced and complete food for medium parrots.With a scientifically approved composition, based on selected seeds, fresh fruits and peanuts.Contains Florastimul, which supports intestinal flora and protects against intestinal disorders.If the bird is not used to feedi..
Prestige Parrots Premium is a specialized seed mix for parrots, containing carefully selected seeds and enriched with Vitamins, Amino Acids and Minerals to ensure that your parrot will have all the necessary ingredients for a healthy diet. In addition, it contains Florastimul for optimal intestinal ..
Versele-Lage Prestige Tropical finches offers a classic food mix especially for tropical finches. The composition is specially adapted to their nutritional needs in cooperation with breeders and veterinarians and can ensure your proteges an optimal condition. The balanced complete feed mainly ..